
Because it is now possible to obtain high-resolution multiplanar MR imaging of the cerebellum and because of the developing interest on the role of the cerebellum on higher brain functions, we have decided to study the process of cerebellar fissuration. All brain MRI examinations performed in children for varied neurological and neurosurgical indications, especially children with non-specific mental retardation and patients with cerebral malformation detected at initial imaging work-up, were reviewed. Fissuration and lobulation anomalies (abnormal orientation of fissures, pseudopolymicrogyria, cortical thickening, subcortical cysts and heterotopia) were identified that we called cerebellar cortical dysplasia (CCD). In order to better understand the origin of this malformation, current data on cerebellar embryogenesis and histogenesis will be reviewed, and the pathological and radiological features will be illustrated. Milder forms of CCD represent a distinct group of anomalies that should be distinguished from other types of cerebellar dysplasia (agenesis, hypoplasia or complex dysplasia with involvement of the cerebellar vermis (rhombencephalosynapsis)) or combined cerebellar and cerebral dysplasia (muscular dystrophies and lissencephaly). Recognition of cerebellar cortical dysplasia could be a first step towards a broader understanding of its pathogenesis and significance.

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