
Dyslipidemia is a condition characterized by abnormal levels of one or more plasma lipids or lipoproteins. It is a major cause of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) around the world. Pediatric dyslipidemias can lead to atherosclerosis and extrapolate to premature CVDs. Atherosclerotic lesions begin during childhood and act as the major risk factor for atherosclerotic CVD (ASCVD). Dyslipidemias can be caused by primary genetic disorders or by secondary causes, the most common of which is obesity. In order to diagnose and manage dyslipidemias early, it is important to know the screening guidelines, lifestyle changes, and treatment for childhood dyslipidemias. The appropriate identification and management of dyslipidemia in childhood can lead to decreased risk factors for future CVDs. One of the best ways to manage childhood dyslipidemias is through appropriate lifestyle changes where parents play a vital role, through healthy home environment. Pharmacological interventions include statins and fibrates that play a major role. This article reviews pediatric dyslipidemia and reemphasizes on the importance of lifestyle changes modeled by parents as well as appropriate selection of treatment by health-care providers. The aim of this review article is to draw attention toward the importance of screening, identification, and timely management of dyslipidemias in children which can prevent future risks and complications that may even be life threatening.

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