
The role played by the scapula in the sporting gestures of arming-throwing or striking a projectile appears fundamental; it concerns placement and proper scapular mobilization to facilitate the functionality of the shoulder. On the other hand, an inappropriate position or mobilization of the scapula during the gesture could limit the performance or exacerbate an injury. Scapulo-thoracic dysfunction, called dyskinesia, is common in the sports shoulder including the upper limb; it is observed in pathological athletes, but also in asymptomatic sports shoulder. In the presence of a pathology of shoulder, an oriented balance should make it possible to identify a possible dyskinesis. The reeducative follow-up then includes a specific management dedicated to the functional causes of this scapulo-thoracic dysfunction. The preventive approach is also essential, given the links revealed by prospective studies between the presence of dyskinesia and the occurrence of lesions. In addition, the benefit of the preventive intervention appears to be demonstrated during a longitudinal follow-up of athletes integrating a preventive program compared to a control group.

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