
Genetic polymorphism of two Y-specific short tandem repeats (DYS19 and DYS390) was investigated in six populations from the Iberian Peninsula (Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla-Leon, Extremadura, Galicia and South East Spain) comprising a total of 895 unrelated and native individuals, and a complete database of DYS19 and DYS390 allele frequency distributions in 34 world-wide populations collected from literature was analysed. DYS19 and DYS390 polymorphism was screened by automated fluorescence analysis of PCR-amplified labelled sample fragments performed with and ABI PRISM 377 Genetic Analyser. The degree of population differentiation was analysed using the STP Test to calculate G Statistic values. Correspondence Analysis based on the allelic frequencies of each locus and combining both was performed using the NTSYS-PC version 1.70 computer package. The diversity of the genetic profiles of gene frequencies suggests an important population heterogeneity in the Iberian Peninsula as a whole (DYS390 being particularly evident), which is corroborated after statistical analyses (G = 139.8457, p = 1.7822 x 10(-14) for DYS19, G = 116.0293, p = 4.6845 x 10(-12) for DYS390). However, multivariate analysis indicates a well defined cluster of the populations of the Central region, and sets them apart from the positions within which peripheral Iberian Peninsula populations are distributed. The Galician population shows trends which bring it closer to the positions throughout which European Atlantic populations are distributed. The results shown by the Central Iberian Peninsula seem to lend support to a model of settlement population stocks which came from the region of Castilla-Leon after the Islam invasions, whereas in the South-East populations the genetic record of Middle Eastern populations is still present, a consequence of the expansion of Islam in Southern Europe in the Middle Ages.

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