
In the past decade or so, we have seen traffic congestion become a ginormous issue in the major cities of the world, the main reasons for the above being exponential growth in vehicle purchases, constant unplanned maintenance of the road networks, and so on. And as far as the current situation is concerned, it can be safely said that even though steps have been taken to counter the issue at hand, the improvement made has been close to nothing as the problem persists. The solution to this is being suggested is based on the concept of Variable Speed Limits, which says that the speed limits for the road segments be dependent on the traffic volume and situations on the road segment rather than being constant. The system would use the feed from CCTV cameras to keep a track of the flow variable, which lies within the low traffic limits, the speed limits would be increased accordingly. This would ensure convenience for travelers, reduce travel time, fuel consumption, and greenhouse gas emission, and will also improve economic gains, among other advantages.

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