
Summary Semantic interoperabilit yi sac rucial conditio nf or eHealth. Not only formal aspects of the documents have to be considered ,b ut th es emantics, e.g., the meaning of the mentioned facts, must be made interoperable. We describe the main problems arising when as tatic standar di sc hosen as am edium for interoperability .A na lternative approach is introduced, no tas tandard, bu tam ethod to interoperate between given heterogeneous standards. The approach is based on am ultidimensional an dm ultifocal concept architecture .C oncepts are presented in as trict composite form ,i no rder to dea lw ith th em ultidimensional natur eo fs emantics. We explain why dynami ct ype definitions are essential for th eg ive nt ask and why the reasonin gm ust be non-monotonic. Whe no peratin go na n input ,t he non-monotonic reasoning system is controlled by as ystem of few dynami ct rigger concepts.

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