
Abstract. The grain size of the superficial snow layer is a key determinant of the surface albedo in Antarctica. Its evolution is the result of multiple interacting processes, such as dry and wet metamorphism, melt, snow drift, and precipitation. Among them, snow drift has the least known and least predictable impact. The goal of this study is to relate the variations in surface snow grain size to these processes in a windy location of the Antarctic coast. For this, we retrieved the daily grain size from 5-year-long in situ observations of the spectral albedo recorded by a new multi-band albedometer, unique in terms of autonomy and described here for the first time. An uncertainty assessment and a comparison with satellite-retrieved grain size were carried out to verify the reliability of the instrument, and an RMSE up to 0.16 mm in the observed grain size was found. By relating these in situ measurements to time series of snow drift, surface temperature, snow surface height and snowfall, we established that the evolution of the grain size in the presence of snow drift is complex and follows two possible pathways: (1) a decrease in the grain size (about half of our measurements) resulting from the deposition of small grains advected by the wind (surprisingly, this decrease is often – 2/3 of the cases– associated with a decrease in the surface height, i.e., a net erosion over the drift episode), (2) an increase in the grain size (the other half) due to either the removal of the surface layer or metamorphism. However, we note that this increase is often limited with respect to the increase predicted by a theoretical metamorphism model, suggesting that a concomitant deposition of small grains is likely. At last, we found that wind also completely impedes the deposition of snowfall during half of the observed precipitation events. When this happens, the grain size evolves as if precipitation were not occurring. As a result of all these processes, we conclude that the grain size in a windy area remains more stable than it would be in the absence of snow drift, hence limiting the variations in the albedo and in the radiative energy budget.

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