
Objective: to estimate the prevalence in the dynamic of physical inactivity, overweight and obesity, smoking and alcohol abuse in a representative sample of the European part of the Russian Federation. Materials and methods: the population of eight subjects of the European part of Russia was randomized in 2002. The resulting sample was examined by local doctors. The resulting sample included 19,503 respondents who were examined by local doctors in 2002 and 2017. Results: from 2002 to 2017 the prevalence of smoking has decreased from 23,1 to 20,5% (р < 0,001) (47,9 – 42,6% (р < 0,001) among men and 4,8 – 4,5% (р = 0,323 among women)). The smoking index among men has decreased from 18,8 to 17,8 (р = 0,024) and from women increased from 7,7 to 10,6, р < 0,001. The prevalence of alcohol abuse has decreased from 32,2 to 22,3% (р < 0,001) (51,6 – 39,0% (р < 0,001) among men and 17,4 – 10,1% (р < 0,001) among women). Average dose of ethanol, among drinkers has changed from 84,0 ± 94,4 ml to 75,4 ± 75,5 ml (р < 0,001) (120,6 ± 111,9 – 97,7 ± 85,2 (р < 0,001) among men and 44,7 ± 45,3 – 46,0 ± 46,3 (р < 0,001) among women). Percentage of respondents who are overweight or obese has increased from 46,9 to 60,0% (р < 0,001) (41,6 – 58,2% (р < 0,001) among men and 50,9 – 31,3% (р < 0,001) among women). Although the prevalence of inactivity has decreased from 83,2 to 81,0% (р < 0,001) (79,8 – 78,4% р = 0,045 among men and 85,7 – 83,0% (р < 0,001) among women), the proportion of people without physical activity has increased from 71,5 to 74,0% (р < 0,001), because the proportion of people with low physical activity has decreased. Conclusion: the prevalence of bad habits in Russia is decreasing, but the proportion of people who have inactivity, overweight and obesity is increasing. These facts will not significantly reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in Russsia, and require optimization of population prevention programs that will reduce the prevalence of inactivity, overweight and obesity in society.


  • Для цитирования: Бадин Ю.В., Фомин И.В., Поляков Д.С

  • The resulting sample was examined by local doctors

  • The resulting sample included 19,503 respondents who were examined by local doctors in 2002 and 2017

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South Russian Journal of Therapeutic Practice

Among drinkers has changed from 84,0 ± 94,4 ml to 75,4 ± 75,5 ml (р < 0,001) (120,6 ± 111,9 – 97,7 ± 85,2 (р < 0,001) among men and 44,7 ± 45,3 – 46,0 ± 46,3 (р < 0,001) among women). Conclusion: the prevalence of bad habits in Russia is decreasing, but the proportion of people who have inactivity, overweight and obesity is increasing. These facts will not significantly reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in Russsia, and require optimization of population prevention programs that will reduce the prevalence of inactivity, overweight and obesity in society. Выявление и модификация факторов риска является приоритетной задачей в профилактике и лечении большинства хронических заболеваний, особенно сердечно-сосудистой патологии [1, 2, 3]. В кардиоваскулярной профилактике существует понятие «идеальное сердечно-сосудистое здоровье», которое определяется по отсутствию семи ФР (лишний вес, гиподинамия, гипергликемия натощак, нерациональное питание, курение, повышенный уровень артериального давления и холестерина) [4]. Число ФР у пациента увеличивает степень риска кардиоваскулярной и общей смертности. В данной статье проведен анализ динамики распространенности и интенсивности четырех поведенческих ФР в репрезентативной выборке населения европейской части РФ в течение 15 лет наблюдения

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