
Problem. The contamination of the plumage of the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla (Sylviidae) and the Robin Erithacus rubecula (Muscicapidae), migrating through Zmiinyi island (the Black Sea, Ukraine) with feather mites with has been studied. The aim of our work was to study the regularities of contamination of birds with feather mites during autumn and spring migrations. Materials and methods. During 2004-2010 we collected material in expeditions on Zmiinyi island. Birds were caught by using spider nets. All birds were checked for mites. Their presence (extensiveness) and the intensity of contamination of different types of feathers were registered. The collected arthropods were fixed in 70 % ethyl alcohol. Mites collected were cleared in alkali solution and slide-mounted in Hoyer's medium. Results and conclusion. The infection of the blackcap and robin of different ages and in different seasons of the year was investigated. Extensiveness of contamination of blackcap during spring migrations was 33.33-84.03 %; during autumn migrations – 67.74-100 % for young adults, 75-100 % for adults. Higher intensity of infection was found in autumn migrants. Extensiveness of contamination of the robin during spring migrations was 31.58-61.54 %; during autumn migrations – 8.37-33.82 % for young individuals, 5.88-27.27 % for adults. Higher intensities of contamination were found in spring migrants. The grading scale for the visual determination of the level of contamination of feathers with feather mites was offered from 0 to 5 (from their complete absence to up to more than half of the vanes occupied by mites).

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