
Human resource is the most important asset that organizations require in the 21st century and employees who constitute the human resource must be satisfied to drive organization performance and success on a sustainable basis. Talent management refers to the process of integrating new worker, developing, and retaining the current workers and attracting highly skilled personnel to work for your company. This study examined the effect of talent management on employee performance. The study examines the impact of talent management process such as talent attraction, retention, and development on employee performance. The study adopted a survey research design. The study population comprises of staffs of Vista Bank (Former First International Bank) Plc within Kanifing Municipal Council (KMC) Metropolis in The Gambia. Primary data was collected through a structured questionnaire. Out of 30 copies administered to the respondents, 27 copies were completed and returned. Data were analyzed and hypotheses were tested at 5% level of significance. Findings revealed that talent attraction significantly influences employee performance. Also, talent retention significant impacts on employee performance. Talent development significantly influences employee performance. Based on the findings of this study, the study concludes that talent management significantly impacts employee performance. The study recommends that talent management programs and strategies must also be enshrined into the organizations philosophy to improve employee satisfaction and performance. Keywords: Talent Management, Strategies, Employee, Performance, Bank, Gambia

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