
The most widespread perennial leguminous grass is lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). Lucerne is a high nutritive value legume that is grown for its feed value, its contribution of legume nitrogen to the soil and for its deep root system and ability to use water. Lucerne is rated on its winter activity level with varieties having high or low winter growth activity. Lucerne is suited for soils with a pH (CaCl2) between 5.5 and 8.0. Rooting depth of lucerne is constrained by poor soil structure, acidity, compaction, salinity and waterlogging. Lucerne can increase the capacity of soils to store water because of its deep roots and perennial life-cycle. The role of lucerne is exposed in a feed production. Climatic, soil, genetic and management factors and their interactions influence lucerne production. The separate elements of technology of its growing are considered in this article. The value of lime treatment has been exposed in growth and development of this culture. Influence of inoculation, growing technique, presowing seed treatment on the thickness of lucerne plants (Medicago sativa L.) has been presented. With the introduction of new varieties of perennial legumes, namely alfalfa sowing, there is a need to develop elements of cultivation technology and to establish their impact on grass density during the growing season. To create a highly productive agrophytocenosis of alfalfa for sowing due to the maximum preservation of plants in the grassland, it is advisable to grow it uncovered with the application of herbicide on the background of mineral fertilizers and application of full lime with pre-sowing seed treatment with Rhizobophyte in combination with Emistim С. Keywords: lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), lime treatment, inoculation, growing technique, safety of plants.

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