
The standard theory of strong interaction is quantum chromodynamics (QCD) which governs dynamics of color charged particles such as quarks and gluons. Like photons in quantum electrodynamics, gluons are gauge bosons which mediate the strong force among matter particles (namely quarks in QCD). Contrary to photons which do not have electric charges, gluons carry color charges. Hence, gluons interact among themselves. This kind of self-interaction is manifestation of QCD as a non-Abelian gauge theory. It was shown that the coupling “constant” among color charges decreases with increasing energy scale in non-Abelian gauge theory. Then one can expect that quarks and gluons, which are ordinary confined into hadrons, are freed at extremely high temperature. The matter in which the quarks and gluons are thermally equilibrated is called the quark gluon plasma (QGP).1) Let us suppose that a sort of transition from a hadron gas to the QGP takes place when the lightest hadrons, pions, are close-packed. The number density of close-packed system is

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