
The traditional-based higher education requires far more distance learning programs and artificial intelligence technology overall than universities programs we are accustomed to. Moreover, new distance learning programs are found by new technological changes in our social, economic, political and cultural systems. Dramatic changes are underway, not only in the structure of higher education in areas such distance learning courses as the nature of learning and nature of knowledge, but also in the way to regulate them and to develop public interest principle to sever quality of learning and accountability in universities ecosystems. Digital technology is likely to have impact on universities programs, and its consequences could be increasingly disruptive. The role of the digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the development of distance learning courses is particularly interesting. Indeed, the operating organization tends to become an organization of artificial intelligences of all kinds in the third decade of twenty-first century. The depth and rapidity of these changes compel a reassessment of the ability of various distance learning open universities structures to cope and adapt. Regulation is a very complex process and in order to clarify the way in which regulation works in practice, this paper introduces a methodologically useful typological distinction between measures designed to affect the process of distance learning in Open Universities i.e. its form and structure, and those intended to deal with what learning and knowledge produce as cultural capital. For example, in the regulation of Hellenic Open University corresponds roughly to that between regulation governing by centralized body appointed by the Minister of Education, Research and Religion, academic and administrative aspects of the system of Hellenic Open University and regulation bearing on introducing a dynamic distance learning platforms for programs and a dynamic regulatory body for distance learning programs in Greek universities.

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