
AbstractThe paper brings forth a detailed analysis of the solution of the problem of the material realization of a nonlinear nonholonomic constraint (NNC). The existing models of the NNC are shown that can be classified into two groups: the first group comprises correctly realized physical models, while the second group contains the so‐called “quasinonlinear” nonholonomic constraints which in fact represent mathematical models. The correctness of the cited models is considered in detail, and the essential nature of such constraints, the basic of which is holonomic, is shown. The second group of models, i.e., the “quasinonlinear” NC (nonholonomic constraints) in fact represents the given program of motion, while the additional force, which carries out the program, has the analytical form of the reaction of the NNC. That is why are presented the models of the NNC which possess a clear physical sense, on the basis of which certain statements on the method of variation and the reaction of the NNC can be given. With regard to the clear physical sense and the nature of the models cited, the NNC that come out of them are used quite normally in the analysis of motion of such a system. The cited models, together with standard models oh nonholonomic Mechanics (sphere, disk, blade) make a group of basic nonholonomic constraints which can be classified, according to the three criteria, into certain types. Finally, it is shown that the cited model can be used for the construction of “nonholonomic chains”, both open and closed ones.

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