
Using the Feynman-diagram technique and the Abrikosov fermion representation for the localized moment, the transverse dynamic susceptibility of a dilute alloy is derived in the presence of the electron-electron interaction. In the paramagentic region, enhancement factors for the Overhauser and Korringa rates are found to contain identical averages over the wave vectors $\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{\mathrm{q}}$ spanning the Fermi surface. The former is also deenhanced by the inverse of the uniform magnetization enhancement factor $1\ensuremath{-}{V}_{0}\ensuremath{\rho}$ arising from the relaxation to the self-consistently enhanced instantaneous local field. The exchange-enhanced detailed-balance condition follows immediately. Our theory represents the first microscopic derivation of this relation between the enhanced relaxation rates and the static electron-electron-enhanced susceptibilities.

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