
The dynamics of the laser-induced formation of aggregate color centers under the action of the first (950 nm) and second (475 nm) harmonics of a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser has been studied. During the irradiation of the samples with laser radiation, the photoluminescence spectra of the induced centers were repeatedly measured. It was found that intensity of the spectral luminescence band of F3+ centers exceeds intensity of the band of F2 centers in samples with color centers induced by the first harmonic. At the same time, the opposite ratio of the intensities of these bands was observed in the luminescence spectra of color centers produced by second harmonic radiation for the same energy of laser pulses. It has been established that the observed effect is caused by different degree of heating of the crystalline medium in the regions of passage of laser filaments. Heating accelerates the migration of kinetic particles that carry out the aggregation process. The ratio of the concentrations of F2 and F3+ centers depends on the ratio of the duration of irradiation and the lifetime of kinetic particles, which significantly depends on temperature. A multiphoton-tunneling mode of interband ionization of a crystalline substance was implemented in the experiment. It is shown that the identity of the absorption spectra of color centers induced by the first and second harmonics of femtosecond laser radiation is a new distinguishing characteristic of experimental implementation of the tunneling ionization mechanism in experiment.

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