
The problem of implementing reasoned education of students in the field of self-determination in marriage and family relationship raises the question of what psychological determinants contribute to the formation of complete and harmonious ideas about marriage which perform a guiding function when mastering a new social role. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of ideas about future marriage depending on the moral orientation of young women at different stages of age development: adolescence (from 17 to 19 years), early adulthood (from 20 to 22 years). In the study there was used review and generalization contents psychological and pedagogical literature; psych diagnostic method; comparative analysis of statistical data. 322 female students took part in the cross-sectional study. There are no general substantive characteristics in the ideas about future marriage in adolescence. In the group of young women with egocentric orientation when forming ideas about their own marital behavior, such an element of the cognitive component as the fulfillment of duties is actualized, in the emotional component a positive attitude towards family as a social institution, their own family, future marriage partner, themselves, romantic love is revealed. Among young women with a group-centric orientation in the image “I am a future wife” there is empathy, a positive attitude towards romantic love, an attitude towards personal autonomy. Among young women with a humanistic orientation in thinking about the future marital roles there are the basic elements of cognitive, partially emotional and behavioral components. In the group of young women with a world-creating orientation the content of the image “I am a future wife” is characterized by the completeness of the representation of the cognitive component, saturation with such elements of the emotional component as a positive attitude towards family as a social institution, their own family, future marriage partner, themselves, future children, romantic love, leadership and responsibility in the family. In early adulthood compared with adolescence there is a tendency to reduce the number of meaningful characteristics in the image “I am a future wife” among young women with egocentric, humanistic and world-creating orientations. The invariant characteristic is a personal independence in the studied image. Young women with egocentric, humanistic and world-creating orientations have such elements as caring, patience, respect for other people, balance.

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