
Adult bluegil grew faster in Lake Mendota than in Lake Wingra. Once and two year old fish from both lakes had similar growth patterns and grew at a rate similar to that of fish from other lakes. Small fish from the two lakes (averaging 10 g) had comparable rations in July but larger fish (averaging 50 g) had daily ration of 3% in Lake Mendota compared to 1% for Lake Wingra fish. Mean number of benthic organisms varied from 364 to 80 per m2 in Lake Wingra as opposed to 1560 to 450 organisms per m2 in Lake Mendota. Fish in Lake Wingra fed selectively on Daphnia and Cyclops, which, although small in size, were relatively larger than the other plankton species. Bluegill from Lake Mendota, on the other hand, fed mainly on large macroinvertebrates such as Hyalella and insects.

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