
The article deals with the dynamics of reducing the size structure and the number of employees in large and medium-sized textile enterprises, which influence the entry of new micro and small enterprises into the Slovenian textile industry. Before the Slovenian independence in 1991, the Slovenian textile industry was considered to be a strong labour-intensive industry, with 69,454 employees in 1990, while in 2017 it counts only 9,800 employees. In analysing the dynamics of enterprises in the textile industry, we use enterprise accounts data on micro, small, medium and large enterprises in the period from 2006 to 2017. The research contributes to a detailed insight into the restructuring process of the Slovenian textile industry by significantly reducing the number and size of large and medium-sized textile enterprises, which were uncompetitive, rigid, inflexible and time-consuming compared with global manufactures of textile products and exits, and relatively small entry of new micro and small enterprises. The research addresses a narrower scientific field in the textile industry, which is concerned with reducing the size and age of enterprises resulting from the exit of large and medium enterprises in the textile industry and the creation of new micro and small enterprises within the industry.

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