
Formulation of the problem. The ability to establish constructive interpersonal relationships is especially important for psychologists as a professionally relevant competence. Formulation of the purpose of the article. The goal is to investigate the peculiarities of the dynamics of emotional intelligence in the process of developing the communicative qualities of psychologists. Research hypothesis. Emotional intelligence as a component of communicative competence grows in the process of professional development of a psychologist. Literature Review. The development of the modern education system is aimed at the formation of patient-oriented communicative competences in students of the “Medical Psychology” specialty, which requires improvement of the content of the master’s studies in medical psychology based on scientifically based educational programs. Presenting main material. The work was carried out within the framework of the Department of Medical Psychology of the IMiFN PJSC “MAUP University” “Medical-psychological aspects of the educational process”. As a result of a comparative study of 35 students of the 1st-3rd year of the “Medical Psychology” specialty and 36 practicing clinical psychologists with more than 10 years of work experience using the Emotional Intelligence Method (N. Hall), the Method for diagnosing obstacles in establishing emotional contacts (V. Boyko) and Palmer’s Projective test, the peculiarities of the formation of communicative competence of psychologists in the process of their professional formation were theoretically substantiated, which has practical significance for increasing the effectiveness of the training of masters in medical psychology. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The impact of the duration of the professional activity of psychologists on the formation of their emotional intelligence, the ease of establishing emotional connections and the improvement of communicative competence skills in general was revealed, which is confirmed by the presence of a strong positive correlation (Pearson correlation coefficient rxy=0.8201) between the level of emotional intelligence and problems in establishing an emotional connection, as well as a fairly close positive correlation of indicators of the ability to contact people, determined by the Palmer test, with indicators of emotional intelligence (Pearson correlation coefficient rxy=0.6034) and, especially, with indicators of the method of presence obstacles in establishing emotional contacts (V. Boyko) (Pearson’s correlation coefficient rxy=0.9314). Therefore, the professional activity of a psychologist contributes to the development of the ability to better control one’s own feelings and emotions, to understand the feelings of other people more deeply, and to direct these skills to solving professional medical and psychological tasks. Prospective studies are planned to be directed to the study of the relationship between indicators of the communicative competence of psychologists and signs of their professional burnout, as well as gender aspects of the communicative competence of psychologists.

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