
The Godhra-Chhota Udepur (GC) sector (west-central India) is the zone of convergence between two crustal-scale accretion zones, i.e. the N/NNE-striking Aravalli Delhi Fold Belt (ADFB) against the E-striking Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ). In this study, we demonstrate the two orogens welded during the Early Neoproterozoic. In the GC sector, recumbently folded basement gneisses, shallow-dipping granitoid mylonites and a suite of allochthonous supracrustal rocks experienced top-to-the south thrusting and nappe formation (D2 deformation). The shallow-dipping crustal domain was modified by the superposition of a network of WNW/W-striking transpressional shear zones and related folds (D3 deformation). The D2-D3 deformations occurred due to oblique crustal convergence marked by the emplacement of pre-D2, post-D2 and syn-D3 granitoids. The post-D2, syn-D3 granite-granodiorites are weakly peraluminous, calc-alkalic, having ferroan to magnesian affinity, and characterised by LREE-enriched moderately fractionated REE patterns with variable negative Eu anomalies. Trace element geochemistry and whole rock Sr-Nd systematics suggest the granitoids were derived from dominantly meta-greywacke precursors. In South-GC, U-Pb zircons in the basement gneisses yield upper intercept/Concordia dates at 1.65–1.60 Ga for high-grade metamorphism. The lower intercept/Concordia dates in the gneisses coincide with the 0.95–0.93 Ga emplacement age of post-D2/syn-D3 granitoids throughout GC. However, the pre-D2 granitoids in South-GC are older, ~1.03 Ga. By contrast, pre-D2 granitoids in North-GC yield Late Neoarchean (2.5 Ga) Concordia/upper intercept emplacement ages, identical to the emplacement age of the Archean granites in the ADFB; the lower intercept/Concordia age is 0.95–0.93 Ga. The 2.5 Ga granites did not experience the 1.65–1.60 Ga high-grade metamorphism, but both the lithodemic units shared the 0.95–0.93 Ga D2-D3 deformation-metamorphism and the emplacement of post-D2 and syn-D3 0.95–0.93 Ga granitoids. The juxtaposition of the ~2.5 Ga granitoids and the 1.65–1.60 Ga gneisses is attributed to the 1.03–0.93 Ga ADFB-CITZ oblique accretion that involved contemporaneous emplacement of syn-collisional S-type granitoids.. • Godhra-Chhota Udepur (GC) is the western end of the Central Indian Tectonic Zone . • At GC, NNE-SSW shortening is contemporaneous with 0.95–0.93 Ga felsic emplacements . • In north GC, 2.5 Ga granite reworked at 0.95 Ga with no Paleoproterozoic overprint . • In south GC, no Archean inheritance noted in 1.6 Ga gneisses reworked at 0.95 Ga . • ~0.95 Ga accretion welded mutually exclusive Archean and Paleoproterozoic terrains .

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