
In this age of unremitting erotic stimulation and vociferous exponents of the intellectual basis of sexual licence, the borderline between socially acceptable nondeviant and deviant sexual behaviour tends to be increasingly blurred. The literature of sexuality has always been bedevilled by exercises in analytical ingenuity and by occasionally outrageously unrealistic theorizing. This slim, compactly informative book brings, in its various aspects, a welcome more-scientific and rational approach to the mechanisms of sexual deviation. It makes interesting reading, is comprehensive in its limited field, and for the most part is completely intelligible to the nonspecialist reader. Bonime's chapter on masturbatory fantasies is very well written, but while accepting without reservation his views on the association between masturbation and aggression, I cannot entirely accept his conclusion that masturbatory fantasies are nearly always the outcome of an underlying psychopathology. Homosexuality as a problem of identity formation and adolescent development is ably and conservatively

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