
With current-controlled buck-boost converter used as an example, through a detailed description of the switch state of the switching converter under wide circuit parameter variation, such as input voltage and load resistance variation, two inductor current borders in the current controlled switching converter are derived and an accurate discrete-time model is established. The validation of the discrete-time model is verified by a piecewise-linear model. Based on the discrete-time model, the complex dynamical behaviors existing in switching converter, such as period-double bifurcation, border-collision bifurcation, robust chaos and intermittent chaos, etc., are revealed. By formulating the Jacobian, the maximum Lyapunov exponent and the movement trajectories of eigvalues with the variations of circuit parameters are obtained. By utilizing the parameter-space maps, the operation-state regions corresponding to circuit parameter regions are estimated. Finally, an experimental setup is implemented, the corresponding observation results are consistent with those of theory analyses. In this paper the dynamics theory in switching converters is investigated systematically; the analysis methods and research results are helpful for designing and controlling switching converters.

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