
Four replicate populations of Drosophila melanogaster, two reared on medium supplemented with ethanol and two reared on standard medium, were electrophoretically monitored for 28 generations. During the first 12 generations, allelic, genotypic and gametic frequencies were determined for eight polymorphic enzymes: GOT, alpha-GPDH, MDH, ADH, TO, E6, Ec and ODH. Samples from generation 18 and 28 were electrophoretically typed for ADH and alpha-GPDH. In addition, samples from generation 27 were analyzed for the presence of inversion heterozygotes. The experimental results showed rapid gene-frequency divergence between control and treatment populations at the Adh locus in a direction consistent with the activity hierarchy of Adh genotypes. Gene-frequency divergence between control and treatment populations also occurred at the alpha-Gpdh locus, although the agreement among replicates appeared to have broken down by generation 28. No differential gene-frequency change occurred at any of the six remaining marker loci. Furthermore, values of linkage disequilibria among all linked pairs of genes were initially small and remained small throughout the course of the experiment. Taking these facts into account, it is argued that the gene-frequency response observed at ADH is most probably caused by selection at the Adh locus. The gene frequency response at alpha-Gpdh can also be be accounted for in terms of the effect of ethanol on energy metabolism, although other explanations cannot be excluded.

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