
We study the effect of quenched time-independent random fields coupled linearly to the order parameter on the dynamical critical behavior of spin systems. We assume that the dynamics is described by a Langevin equation without conservation of the order parameter. It is shown that the dominant fluctuations are those induced by the random fields and, therefore, thermal fluctuations are irrelevant. This allows us to establish a relation between this model and a quantum spin system in the presence of a quenched random field. Moreover, we find that only static exponents in $D$ dimensions are the same as those of the pure ($D\ensuremath{-}2$)-dimensional theory, but the dynamical exponent $z$ does not satisfy this relation. The quantum system in $D$ dimensions is studied through its ($D+1$)-dimensional equivalent model where the quenched random fields are totally correlated in the additional imaginary-time ($\ensuremath{\tau}$) direction. The system is anisotropic, and there is a new exponent ${z}_{A}$ associated with the scaling behavior in the $\ensuremath{\tau}$ direction. We find the relation $z=2{z}_{A}$ to all orders in perturbation theory. For the zero-temperature quantum model we find that the static (zero-frequency) exponents are the same as those of the ($D\ensuremath{-}3$)-dimensional pure quantum model. At finite temperature, when the classical system is finite in the $\ensuremath{\tau}$ direction, we predict a crossover to $D$-dimensional classical behavior in nonstatic response and correlation functions, with crossover exponent ${({z}_{A}{\ensuremath{\nu}}_{(D\ensuremath{-}2)})}^{\ensuremath{-}1}$, where ${\ensuremath{\nu}}_{(D\ensuremath{-}2)}$ is the exponent $\ensuremath{\nu}$ for the ($D\ensuremath{-}2$)-dimensional pure classical system. The static correlation functions do not have this cross-over behavior and are the same as those of the ($D\ensuremath{-}3$)-dimensional pure quantum model. The dimensional shift in static quantities for both quantum and classical dynamical systems is a consequence of a supersymmetry in the underlying field theory. The exponent ${z}_{A}=1+\ensuremath{\eta}+O(\frac{1}{{N}^{2}})$ in the large-$N$ limit or ${z}_{A}=1+c\ensuremath{\eta}+O({\ensuremath{\epsilon}}^{4})$ in the $\ensuremath{\epsilon}$ expansion where $c=1\ensuremath{-}\frac{3}{4}[\frac{(N+2)}{{(N+8)}^{2}}]\ensuremath{\epsilon}$ and $\ensuremath{\eta}$ is the same as in the ($D\ensuremath{-}2$)-dimensional pure classical system. We also study the above classical random-field Ising problem using the interface approach, but are unable to draw any definite conclusion about the dynamics at the lower critical dimension $D=3$.

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