
Part I: Governing Equations and General Properties of Fluid Flows. 1. Governing Equations and Boundary Conditions for Fluid Flows. 2. Fundamental Theorems and General Properties of Stokes Flows. Part II: Steady Flows. Hydrodynamics of a Single Rigid or Fluid Particle. 3. Application of the Singularity Method for a Single Rigid or Fluid Particle. 4. Solutions via Superposition of Vector Harmonic Functions. 5. Other Methods to Study the Flow Past Single Rigid or Fluid Particles. 6. Deformations of a Single Fluid Particle in a Viscous FLow. Part III: Steady Flows. Hydrodynamic Intractions between Rigid or Fluid Particles. 7. Hydrodynamic Interactions between Two Rigid or Fluid Particles. 8. Boundary Effects on the Motion of a Single Rigid or Fluid Particle. 9. Many-Particles Hydrodynamic Interactions. Sedimentation. 10. Hydrodynamic Interaction between Particles and Effective Viscosity of Suspensions and Emulsions. Part IV: Unsteady Flows. Hydrodynamic Interactions between Drops, Bubbles and Rigid Particles. 11. Unsteady Motion of Rigid or Fluid Particles in Stokes Approximation. 12. Application of the Singularity Method for Unsteady Flows Past Rigid or Fluid Particles. 13. Hydrodynamic Interactions in Some Unsteady Viscous Flows. 14. Finite Deformations of Drops and Bubbles at Moderate Reynolds Numbers Flows. References. Index.

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