
Background: Over 9000 anthrax foci are registered in Ukraine withmore than 4000 burials of animals died fromanthrax. They are located national wide and have potential threat of animal anthrax outbreaks. Methods & Materials: Data of State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine and State Statistical Committee have been used. Results: Preventive measures against anthrax consist mostly of total immunization of animals with spore vaccines. Mandatory vaccination of farm animals shown considerable morbidity reduction. Over the past 30 years the major number of outbreaks was observed in1979 (33outbreaks), in1989 (32outbreaks) and in1994 (33 outbreaks). Since 1994 a stable decline of outbreaks number is observed. In 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2013 no animal anthrax cases have been registered in Ukraine. A tendency towards decline of outbreaks is observed alongwith reduction of livestock susceptible to anthrax. Thus, amount of cattle has been decreased by 20368.1 thousands over 1990-2010 years in Ukraine, which makes 80.85%; pigs by 12370.1 thousands of heads (62.02%) and small ruminants – less by 7170.6 thousands (79.65%). Over the past decade anthrax was registered among cattle (250 heads), small ruminants (14 heads), pigs (17 heads), horses (7 heads), mink (18 heads) and 1 wild animal. In general during 1979-2012 years anthrax outbreaks were observed in 234 regions and city councils which is 44.5% from general number of regions and city councils in Ukraine. Herewith in the territory of 287 regions (55.5% from general number) anthrax outbreaks were not observed. Conclusion: Effective antiepizootic measures against anthrax are applied in Ukraine, which reduced number of anthrax foci in country in general, and revealed tendency towards reduction of anthrax outbreaks number along with decrease of livestock susceptible to anthrax which possibly might have contributed to improvement of epizootic situation.

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