
Ciliophora, an exceptionally diverse lineage of unicellular eukaryotes, exhibits a remarkable range of species richness across classes in the ciliate Tree of Life. In this study, we have acquired transcriptome and genome data from 40 representative species in seven ciliate classes. Utilizing 247 genes and 105 taxa, we devised a comprehensive phylogenomic tree for Ciliophora, encompassing over 60 % of orders and constituting the most extensive dataset of ciliate species to date. We established a robust phylogenetic framework that encompasses ambiguous taxa and the major classes within the phylum. Our findings support the monophyly of each of two subphyla (Postciliodesmatophora and Intramacronucleata), along with three subclades (Protocruzia, CONTHREEP, and SAPML) nested within Intramacronucleata, and elucidate evolutionary positions among the major classes within the phylum. Drawing on the robust ciliate Tree of Life and three constraints, we estimated the radiation of Ciliophora around 1175 Ma during the middle of the Proterozoic Eon, and most of the ciliate classes diverged from their sister lineage during the latter half of this period. Additionally, based on the time-calibrated tree and species richness pattern, we investigated net diversification rates of Ciliophora and its classes. The global net diversification rate for Ciliophora was estimated at 0.004979 species/Ma. Heterogeneity in net diversification rates was evident at the class level, with faster rates observed in Oligohymenophorea and Spirotrichea than other classes within the subclades CONTHREEP and SAPML, respectively. Notably, our analysis suggests that variations in net diversification rates, rather than clade ages, appear to contribute to the differences in species richness in Ciliophora at the class level.

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