
Two or more competing predators can coexist using a single homogeneous prey species if the system containing all three undergoes internally generated fluctuations in density. However, the dynamics of species that coexist via this mechanism have not been extensively explored. Here, we examine both the nature of the dynamics and the responses of the mean densities of each predator to mortality imposed upon it or its competitor. The analysis of dynamics uncovers several previously undescribed behaviors for this model, including chaotic fluctuations, and long-term transients that differ significantly from the ultimate patterns of fluctuations. The limiting dynamics of the system can be loosely classified as synchronous cycles, asynchronous cycles, and chaotic dynamics. Synchronous cycles are simple limit cycles with highly positively correlated densities of the two predator species. Asynchronous cycles are limit cycles, frequently of complex form, including a significant period during which prey density is nearly constant while one predator gradually, monotonically replaces the other. Chaotic dynamics are aperiodic and generally have intermediate correlations between predator densities. Continuous changes in density-independent mortality rates often lead to abrupt transitions in mean population sizes, and increases in the mortality rate of one predator may decrease the population size of the competing predator. Similarly, increases in the immigration rate of one predator may decrease its own density and increase the density of the other predator. Proportional changes in one predator's birth and death rate functions can have significant effects on the dynamics and mean densities of both predator species. All of these responses to environmental change differ from those observed when competitors coexist stably as the result of resource (prey) partitioning. The patterns described here occur in many other competition models in which there are cycles and differences in the linearity of the responses of consumers to their resources.

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