
Abstract The dynamics and cloud microphysics of four rainbands in an occluded frontal system were examined. Aircraft, radar, raingage, and serial rawinsonde observations were obtained in addition to standard satellite and synoptic data. Two of the rainbands occurred in the leading portion of the frontal cloud shield and were oriented parallel to the warm front of the system. The other two bands occurred in the trailing portion of the cloud shield and had cold frontal orientations. Mesoscale pressure features were parallel to the rain-bands, except in mountainous areas. Computed air motions showed that the rainhands were supplied with moist air flowing into the rainband region from the south to south-southwest at low levels (below 800 mb). This air was swept abruptly upward in the rainbands just ahead of the cold air mass approaching from the west. Cumulus-scale convection in a layer between 4 and 5 km in clouds associated with these rainbands appeared to enhance the growth the ice particles. However, the ...

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