
This work continues development of dynamically consistent parameterizations for representing mesoscale eddy effects in non-eddy-resolving and eddy-permitting ocean circulation models and focuses on the classical double-gyre problem, in which the main dynamic eddy effects maintain eastward jet extension of the western boundary currents and its adjacent recirculation zones via eddy backscatter mechanism. Despite its fundamental importance, this mechanism remains poorly understood, and in this paper we, first, study it and, then, propose and test its novel parameterization.We start by decomposing the reference eddy-resolving flow solution into the large-scale and eddy components defined by spatial filtering, rather than by the Reynolds decomposition. Next, we find that the eastward jet and its recirculations are robustly present not only in the large-scale flow itself, but also in the rectified time-mean eddies, and in the transient rectified eddy component, which consists of highly anisotropic ribbons of the opposite-sign potential vorticity anomalies straddling the instantaneous eastward jet core and being responsible for its continuous amplification. The transient rectified component is separated from the flow by a novel remapping method. We hypothesize that the above three components of the eastward jet are ultimately driven by the small-scale transient eddy forcing via the eddy backscatter mechanism, rather than by the mean eddy forcing and large-scale nonlinearities. We verify this hypothesis by progressively turning down the backscatter and observing the induced flow anomalies.The backscatter analysis leads us to formulating the key eddy parameterization hypothesis: in an eddy-permitting model at least partially resolved eddy backscatter can be significantly amplified to improve the flow solution. Such amplification is a simple and novel eddy parameterization framework implemented here in terms of local, deterministic flow roughening controlled by single parameter. We test the parameterization skills in an hierarchy of non-eddy-resolving and eddy-permitting modifications of the original model and demonstrate, that indeed it can be highly efficient for restoring the eastward jet extension and its adjacent recirculation zones.The new deterministic parameterization framework not only combines remarkable simplicity with good performance but also is dynamically transparent, therefore, it provides a powerful alternative to the common eddy diffusion and emerging stochastic parameterizations.

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