
Emergent $U(1)$ gauge theories and artificial photons in frustrated magnets are outstanding examples of many-body collective phenomena. The classical and quantum regimes of these systems provide platforms for classical and quantum spin liquids, and are the subject of current active theoretical and experimental investigations. Recently, realizations of rank-2 $U(1)$ (R2-U1) gauge theories in three-dimensional frustrated magnets have been proposed. Such systems in the quantum regime may lead to the so-called fracton ordered phases---a new class of topological order that has been associated with quantum stabilizer codes and holography. However, there exist few distinguishing characteristics of these states for their detection in real materials. Here we focus on the classical limit and present the dynamical spin structure factor for a R2-U1 spin liquid state on a breathing pyrochlore lattice. Remarkably, we find unique signatures of the R2-U1 state, and we contrast them with the results obtained from a more conventional $U(1)$ spin liquid. These results provide a path of investigation for future inelastic neutron scattering experiments on candidate materials.

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