
We study photoinduced phase transitions and charge dynamics in the interacting Dirac-electron system with a charge-ordered ground state theoretically by taking an organic salt α-(BEDT-TTF)_{2}I_{3}. By analyzing the extended Hubbard model for this compound using a combined method of numerical simulations based on the time-dependent Schrödinger equation and the Floquet theory, we observe successive dynamical phase transitions from the charge-ordered insulator to a gapless Dirac semimetal and, eventually, to a Chern insulator phase under irradiation with circularly polarized light. These phase transitions occur as a consequence of two major effects of circularly polarized light, i.e., closing of the charge gap through melting the charge order and opening of the topological gap by breaking the time-reversal symmetry at the Dirac points. We demonstrate that these photoinduced phenomena are governed by charge dynamics of driven correlated Dirac electrons.

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