
We propose a minimal setup that realises dynamical inflection point inflation, and, using the same field content, generates neutrino masses, a baryon asymmetry of the universe, and dark matter. A dark SU(2)D gauge sector with a dark scalar doublet playing the role of inflaton is considered along with several doublet and singlet fermions sufficient to realise multiple inflection points in the inflaton potential. The singlet fermions couple to SM leptons and generate neutrino masses via the inverse seesaw mechanism. Those fermions also decay asymmetrically and out of equilibrium, generating a baryon asymmetry via leptogenesis. Some of the fermion doublets are dark matter, and they are produced via inflaton decay and freeze-in annihilation of the same fermions that generate the lepton asymmetry. Reheating, leptogenesis, and dark matter are all at the TeV scale.

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