
We study the dynamical properties of a driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard model in the strongly interacting regime through a quantum trajectory approach with a cluster-Gutzwiller Ansatz for the wave function. This allows us to take classical and quantum correlations into account. By studying the dynamical hysteresis surface that arises by sweeping through the coherent driving strength we show that the phase diagram for this system is in qualitative correspondence with the Gutzwiller mean-field result. However, quantitative differences are present and the inclusion of classical and quantum correlations causes a significant shift of the critical parameters. Additionally, we show that approximation techniques relying on a unimodal distribution such as the mean field and $1/z$ expansion drastically underestimate the particle number fluctuations. Finally, we show that a proposed mapping of the driven-dissipative many-body Bose-Hubbard model onto a single driven-dissipative Kerr model is not accurate for parameters in the hysteresis regime.

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