
We consider a continuous time random walk on the two-dimensional discrete torus, whose motion is governed by the discrete Gaussian free field on the corresponding box acting as a potential. More precisely, at any vertex the walk waits an exponentially distributed time with mean given by the exponential of the field and then jumps to one of its neighbors, chosen uniformly at random. We prove that throughout the low-temperature regime and at in-equilibrium timescales, the process admits a scaling limit as a spatial K-process driven by a random trapping landscape, which is explicitly related to the limiting extremal process of the field. Alternatively, the limiting process is a supercritical Liouville Brownian motion with respect to the continuum Gaussian free field on the box. This demonstrates rigorously and for the first time, as far as we know, a dynamical freezing in a spin glass system with logarithmically correlated energy levels.


  • 1.1 Setup and main result Let VN := [0, N )2 ∩ Z2 be the discrete box of side length N and consider the random field hN ≡x∈VN having the law of the discrete Gaussian free field (DGFF) on VN with zero boundary conditions

  • At in-equilibrium timescales, large N and low temperatures, the dynamics are effectively governed by the extreme values of the underlying Gaussian free field, which determine the trapping landscape

  • We first use the results from the previous section to prove that the trace process can be coupled together with the χ-driven spatial pre K-process, so that with high probability, they are close in the

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1.1 Setup and main result Let VN := [0, N )2 ∩ Z2 be the discrete box of side length N and consider the random field hN ≡ (hN,x)x∈VN having the law of the discrete Gaussian free field (DGFF) on VN with zero boundary conditions. On the same probability space, define a process XN ≡ (XN (t) : t ≥ 0) taking values in the two-dimensional discrete torus VN∗ = Z2/N Z2, whose vertices we identify with. PPP stands for Poisson point process, and the law of η should be interpreted as given conditionally on Z, which is assumed to be defined on the same probability space as η itself. The second ingredient in the construction of the limiting object is a point process which we denote, for β > α, by χ ≡ χ(β). It is defined on the same probability space as the measure Z and its law is given conditionally on Z as χ(β) ∼ PPP Z(dz) ⊗ κβ|Z|t−1−α/βdt ,.

Interpreting the limiting process
The spatial K-process
The limiting trapping landscape of the DGFF
The χ-driven spatial K-process
Motivation and related work
Low temperature spin glass dynamics and effective trap models
Supercritical Liouville Brownian motion
Particle in random media
Outline of the paper
From the K-process to the pre K-process
Closeness of K-processes and pre K-processes
Closeness of χ-driven processes
The trapping landscape
Defining the traps
Dominance of deep traps
Separation of deep traps
Law asymptotics for the structure of deep traps
From the random walk to its trace
From time to steps: the random walk clock process
From steps to trap visits: macroscopic jumps
Closeness of the random walk to its trace
Trap hopping dynamics of the trace process
Simple random walk estimates
Trap hopping dynamics at large N
Conclusion of the proof
Closeness of the trace process and the pre K-process
Proof of Theorem A
A Discrete potential theory in two dimensions
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