
After release from the trap the momentum distribution of an impenetrable gas asymptotically approaches that of a spinless noninteracting Fermi gas in the initial trap. This phenomenon is called dynamical fermionization and, very recently, has been experimentally confirmed in the case of the Lieb-Liniger model in the Tonks-Girardeau regime. We prove analytically and confirm numerically that following the removal of axial confinement the strongly interacting Bose-Fermi mixture exhibits dynamical fermionization and the asymptotical momentum distribution of each component has the same shape as its density profile at $t=0$. Under a sudden change of the trap frequency to a new nonzero value the dynamics of both fermionic and bosonic momentum distributions presents characteristics which are similar to the case of single component bosons experiencing a similar quench. Our results are derived using a product representation for the correlation functions which, in addition to analytical considerations, can be implemented numerically very easily with complexity which scales polynomially in the number of particles.

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