
The quantization of the reduced phase-space of the Einstein-Hilbert action for gravity in $2+1D$ has been shown to bring about the emergence, at the quantum level, of a topological quantum field theory endowed with an $SU_q(2)$ quantum group symmetry structure. We hereby tackle the same problem, but start from the kinematical $SU(2)$ (quantum) Hilbert space of the theory of $2+1D$ gravity with non-zero cosmological constant in the Palatini formalism, and subsequently impose the constraints. We hence show the dynamical emergence of the $SU_q(2)$ quantum group at the quantum level within the spin-foam framework. The regularized curvature constraint is responsible for the effective representations of $SU_q(2)$ that are recovered for any Wilson loop evaluated at the $SU(2)$ group element that encodes the discretization of the space-time curvature induced by the cosmological constant. The extension to the spin-network basis, and consequently to any transition amplitude between its generic states, enables us to derive in full generality the recoupling theory of $SU_q(2)$. We provide constructive examples for the scalar product of two loop states and spin-networks encoding trivalent vertices. We further comment on the diffeomorphism symmetry generated by the implementation of the curvature constraint, and finally derive explicitly the partition function amplitude of the Turaev-Viro model.

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