
The characteristics and behaviors of the dynamical aspects of multiple-wave diffraction will be described in the light of theoretical considerations and experimental observations. A brief summary of two-wave diffraction in sym-metric and asymmetric geometries, including grazing incidence and back scat-tering, will be given first. The diffractions of three-, four-, and higher-order multiple-wave situations follow. The polarization effect on the diffracted intensity profile under various experimental conditions will be specifically addressed. The so-called ‘crystal truncation rod diffraction’ from surfaces and interfaces will be discussed in this chapter as well.KeywordsDispersion CurveCrystal SurfaceLinear Absorption CoefficientDispersion SurfaceReciprocal Lattice PointThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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