
In this note, we consider the metric theory of the dynamical covering problems on the triadic Cantor set K. More precisely, let Tx=3x(mod1) be the natural map on K, μ the standard Cantor measure and x0∈K a given point. We consider the size of the set of points in K which can be well approximated by the orbit {Tnx0}n≥1 of x0, namely the setD(x0,φ):={y∈K:|Tnx0−y|<φ(n)for infinitely manyn∈N}, where φ is a positive function defined on N. It is shown that for μ almost all x0∈K, the Hausdorff measure of D(x0,φ) is either zero or full depending upon the convergence or divergence of a certain series. Among the proof, as a byproduct, we obtain an inhomogeneous counterpart of Levesley, Salp and Velani's work on a Mahler's question about the Diophantine approximation on the Cantor set K.

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