
Starting from an already known solution in the literature, we study the dynamical cobordism induced by the backreaction of a non-supersymmetric, positive tension domain wall in string theory. This could e.g. be a non-BPS D8-brane of type I or a overline{D8} /O8 stack of a non-supersymmetric type IIA orientifold. The singularities which typically appear indicate either an inherent inconsistency of this background or the required presence of a suitable defect, as predicted by the cobordism conjecture. We provide evidence that this end-of-the-world 7-brane is explicitly described by a new kind of non-isotropic solution of the dilaton-gravity equations of motion. Intriguingly, on the formal level this solution turns out to be closely related to the initial solution for the non-supersymmetric domain wall.

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