
The development of vertical vorticity under adiabatic condition is investigated by virtue of the view of potential vorticity and potential temperature (PV-θ) and from a Lagrangian perspective. A new concept of generalized slantwise vorticity development (GSVD) is introduced for adiabatic condition. The GSVD is a coordinate independent framework of vorticity development (VD), which includes slantwise vorticity development (SVD) when a particle is sliding down the concave slope or up the convex slope of a sharply tilting isentropic surface under stable or unstable condition. The SVD is a special VD for studying the severe weather systems with rapid development of vertical vorticity. In addition, the GSVD clarifies VD and SVD. The criteria for VD and SVD demonstrate that the demand for SVD is much more restricted than the demand for VD. When an air parcel is moving down the concave slope or up the convex slope of a sharply tilting isentropic surface in a stable stratified atmosphere with its stability decreasing, or in an unstable atmosphere with its stability increasing, i.e., its stability θ z approaches zero, its vertical vorticity can develop rapidly if its C D is decreasing.

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