
Electron density distribution in a quantum wire (QW) coupledto reservoirs is investigated, treating this structure as aunified quantum system and taking into account the Coulombinteraction of electrons. We show that electrons aretransferred between the QW and the reservoirs when theequilibrium state is established. As a result the QWacquires a positive or negative charge or remains neutral as awhole, depending on the QW size and the background charge.Electron transport in a QW is investigated for the lattercase using the model which allows one to treat exactly theCoulomb interaction. We study the Coulomb interaction effecton the dynamic conductance. The real part of the impedanceshows a resonant behavior versus the frequency which is causedby the reflection of the charge waves from the contacts andtheir interference in the QW. The Coulomb interaction effectconsists in a nonlinear dependence of the resonant frequencieson the wave number. No effective interaction parameter of theLuttinger liquid can simulate the frequency dependence of theimpedance calculated with the real Coulomb interaction.

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