
Ephemeral flowers, especially nocturnal ones, usually emit characteristic scent profiles within their post-anthesis lifespans of a few hours. Whether these flowers exhibit temporal variability in the composition and profile of volatile and non-volatile specialised metabolites has received little attention. Flowers of Murraya paniculata bloom in the evenings during the summer and monsoon, and their sweet, intense fragrance enhances the plant's value as an ornamental. We aimed to investigate profiles of both volatile and non-volatile endogenous specialised metabolites (ESM) in nocturnal ephemeral flowers of M.paniculata to examine whether any biochemically diverse groups of ESM follow distinct patterns of accumulation while maintaining synchrony with defensive physiological functions. Targeted ESM contents of M.paniculata flowers were profiled at ten time points at 2-h intervals, starting from late bud stage (afternoon) up to the start of petal senescence (mid-morning). Emitted volatiles were monitored continuously within the whole 20-h period using headspace sampling. The ESM contents were mapped by time point to obtain a highly dynamic and biochemically diverse profile. Relative temporal patterns of ESM accumulation indicated that the active fragrance-emitting period might be divided into 'early bloom', 'mid-bloom' and 'late bloom' phases. Early and late bloom phases were characterised by high free radical generation, with immediate enhancement of antioxidant enzymes and phenolic compounds. The mid-bloom phase was relatively stable and dedicated to maximum fragrance emission, with provision for strong terpenoid-mediated defence against herbivores. The late bloom phase merged into senescence with the start of daylight; however, even the senescent petals continued to emit fragrance to attract diurnal pollinators. Our study suggests that dynamic relations between the different ESM groups regulate the short-term requirements of floral advertisement and phytochemical defence in this ephemeral flower. This study also provided fundamental information on the temporal occurrence of emitted volatiles and internal pools of specialised metabolites in M.paniculata flowers, which could serve as an important model for pollination biology of Rutaceae, which includes many important fruit crops.

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