
Modern high-performance and high-bandwidth three-dimensional (3D) memories are characterized by frequent heating. Prior art suggests turning off hot channels and migrating data to the background DDR memory, incurring significant performance and energy overheads. We propose three Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) approaches for 3D memories, reducing these overheads. The first approach, Rotating-channel Low-power-state-based DTM (RL-DTM) , minimizes the energy overheads by avoiding data migration. RL-DTM places 3D memory channels into low power states instead of turning them off. Since data accesses are disallowed during low power state, RL-DTM balances each channel’s low-power-state duration. The second approach, Masked rotating-channel Low-power-state-based DTM (ML-DTM) , is a fine-grained policy that minimizes the energy-delay product (EDP) and improves the performance of RL-DTM by considering the channel access rate. The third strategy, Partial channel closure and ML-DTM , minimizes performance overheads of existing channel-level turn-off-based policies by closing a channel only partially and integrating ML-DTM, reducing the number of channels being turned off. We evaluate the proposed DTM policies using various mixes of SPEC benchmarks and multi-threaded workloads and observe them to significantly improve performance, energy, and EDP over state-of-the-art approaches for different 3D memory architectures.

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