
Abstract The search for new reserves is pushing drilling into deeper reservoirs where formation temperature becomes a challenge. This becomes significantly challenging with current available drilling tools where the operating temperature can closely reach and at times surpass the downhole tools’ temperature specifications. Service companies are continuously improving technology to increase the temperature limit of the downhole tools to contend with the increasing temperatures; however, the ability to simulate downhole conditions and predict downhole circulating temperatures that the tools will be exposed to continues to be a key factor to successful drilling operations in high-temperature wells. The current well-planning practice of designing high-temperature wells is based on static formation temperature measurement from the offset well and linear interpolation of the formation thermal gradient, which, in many cases, is too conservative, not taking into account various parameters that affect the total energy within the system that leads to the actual temperatures that the downhole tools are physically exposed to. Heat transfer occurs from the formation across the mud and downhole tools. Mud circulation carries mud with heated temperature from the bottom of the hole up to relatively cooler temperature as it approaches the surface, and back down the hole again; this will affect the actual downhole temperature that the tools are exposed to. Energy loss of torque and drag due to contact friction of drillstring with different formation and hydraulic pressure loss can also increase the borehole temperature and downhole tool temperature. A new state-of-the-art dynamic temperature model is required to more precisely predict downhole temperatures and which can be used to guide the downhole tool and services planning, along with operating parameters to be applied. This information is needed to be able to run as many downhole tools and measurements in real time to the tool temperature limit and reduce nonproductive time (NPT) due to pulling out of hole for temperature-related downhole equipment failures. Dynamic temperature modeling takes heat transfer from virgin formation to mud and tool collars into account, while also calculating the effect of circulation, mechanical, and hydraulic friction. The dynamic temperature model can help engineers evaluate expected temperatures for different operations, guiding them to select the appropriate downhole tools for the job. The modeling was used in planning several case study high-temperature wells, and a comparison was done between model results and actual downhole temperature measurements. This new modeling can change the high-temperature well planning perspective on the use of downhole tools in that a higher temperature rating (e.g., above 150°C) is not always required because downhole borehole temperature can be managed by applying the right drilling parameters and correct timing.

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