
This study examines L1 English-L2 French vowel productions, with the goal of exploring whether representing vowel targets as dynamic rather than “steady-state” better predict L2 production patterns. It is hypothesized that learners will transfer L1 vowel dynamic information to produce L2 vowels if the two are perceived as “similar,” but it is unclear whether learners will transfer dynamic vowel information to “new” L2. As such, six L1 English-L2 French learners completed production tasks in English and French with the target vowels /i, u, e, o/ and /y, ø/ in real words. Participants were recorded using a stabilization headset attached to an ultrasound probe and microphone. F1 and F2 measurements and tongue contours were extracted at three timepoints throughout the vowel duration. Results shows that while learners produce L2 French vowels /i, e, u, o/ with a similar amount of formant and gestural movement to L1 vowels, they do not transfer midpoint F1-F2 values. Learners do produce new L2 vowels /y, ø/ with similar formant and gestural movements to English vowels. The results of this study indicate that learners transfer dynamic acoustic information and articulatory gestures from their L1 to produce L2 vowels, which has implications for the representation of vowels.

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