
Dairy farming activities produce waste that can have a negative impact on the environment. The processing of livestock waste will reduce pollution and support environmental conservation programs that are currently being intensified by the West Java Provincial Government, Indonesia. An economic approach that can minimize waste and maximize resources is the circular economy (CE) approach. CE can occur at the macro-, meso-, or microlevels. The application of micro-scale CE can be carried out in a business activity. One of the micro business groups that have implemented the CE concept in Bandung Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia, is the Taruna Mukti Farmer Group, which is located in the Citarum River sub-basin area. From 2008 to 2022, this group processed 49,580 tons of cow dung into organic fertilizer. However, there has been a decline in livestock waste processing, where production reduced from 3700 tons in 2018 to 1280 tons in 2021, then to only 500 tons in 2022. Therefore, this study aims to design a sustainable strategy for livestock waste management based on CE in the Taruna Mukti Farmer Group. The method used is in-depth interviews with the Drivers, Pressure, State, Impact, Response (DPSIR) approach. In addition, this study will also describe the CE model in the management of dairy cattle waste. Key Informants come from the Farmer Group and related stakeholders. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the dairy cattle waste management model in the Taruna Mukti Farmer Group is a form of implementing the CE concept with a circular flow of material and involving various stakeholders and an extensive marketing network. With the current conditions, the simulation results of processing livestock waste into organic fertilizer show a decline/unsustainability. To support the sustainability of livestock waste management, a response is needed in the form of strengthening the internal management of the Farmer Group’s organization, regular assistance and supervision from the local government and non-government organizations, and guidance regarding the marketing of organic fertilizers and ease of access to markets.

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