
In this paper, the authors identify the existence of container imbalance that occurs in different types of ports, depending on the type of inbound and outbound cargo they serve. The authors further analyze international trade realities and maritime companies’ requirements and identified inefficiencies. A comprehensive review of the relevant container regulations and identification standards is performed. Based on their findings, a paradigm change is proposed in the form of a modular container solution that uses disruptive digital technologies to ensure dynamic container identification (numbering) that can be exploited to overcome such inefficiencies. The technical requirements for coupling and decoupling operations are identified, along with detailed analysis of the requirements for embedded electronic components. Considering the strict container data exchange rules, the required changes in global container tracking systems are identified and explained. Coupling, decoupling, and serial number assignment procedures are proposed along with analysis of the measured lead times. Modularization and dynamic smart numbering are identified as viable disruptive technologies to address the global container imbalance. The authors contribute to the existing research on maritime transport sustainability by proposing a modular container solution, exploiting disruptive digital technologies, and clearly defining the prerequisites for the global introduction of the solution as a part of the digital transformation portfolio of involved stakeholders managing global container movements.

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