
Seismic events and following aftershocks can cause devastating impacts on overground and underground energy system infrastructures. This paper designs a novel approach to restore the system functionality in response to seismic stress by using coordinated dynamic system reconfiguration and operation. First, seismic impact on system infrastructures is evluated, considering substations, pipes and distribution lines. Load curtailment is assumed to be caused by the overloading of system branches, buckling towers, reversed gas flows, and isolated sub-circuits. Smart system operation and reconfiguration are coordinatedly applied by using combined soft open points (SOP) and energy storage units, aiming to restore system service by minimizing load curtailment and system recovering time. Service index is quantified considering both load curtailment and recovering time. A representative integrated electricity and gas system is employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Results illustrate that the adverse impact of seismic on systems can be effectively reduced by the proposed dynamic service restoration method. The model provides system operators with a powerful tool to restore the functionality of distribution systems under seismic events.

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